Enjoy life! Because it sure enjoys you... -- - Reed Abbitt Moore
It does not take a million complicated words to call yourself a writer, it only takes a simple few when they have been placed in the right order. -- - Reed Abbitt Moore
The Candle HolderBeauty is in the eye of the beholder, Your light I wish to see.I am the candle holder, reveal yourself to me. -- - Reed Abbitt Moore
Art is the expression that the soul makes without having to explain itself, nor regard the criticism of others. - Reed Abbitt Moore
There's U and I in universe! Uni = One, Verse = Spoken Sentence, so one spoken sentence created you and I! - Reed Abbitt Moore
Forgiveness is greater than condemnation, and love stronger than hate. What is there left for us to contemplate? -- - Reed Abbitt Moore